Ready to Access Your Highest Confidence, Intuitive/Spiritual Expansion, & Emotional Mastery? 

View all the magic I offer below and see what calls to you!

1:1 Coaching

Get a customized package to supercharge your results! 

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Check Out My Coaching Options Below!

Akashic Records Session

This is the session for you if you would like to receive answers directly from your soul. You can ask 2-3 questions surrounding any area of your journey (emotional mastery, relationships, life direction/purpose, physical symptoms, career trajectory, and/or limiting beliefs) or your healing/therapy business. Come with an open heart and you will always receive clear and efficient guidance on what you're meant to integrate at this time, according to divine perspective. Since deep healing & bold truths are revealed during this call, you will want to leave some space afterward for integration. Meetings are on Zoom for 30 minutes. More details on this session can be accessed by clicking the picture above to begin the booking process. If you would like to learn how to read The Akashic Records yourself, please refer to my upcoming events and programs. Ongoing 1:1 Mentoring support is also available. Simply email me at [email protected] for a customized coaching package.

$250.00 USD
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Akashic Mentorship Intensive

The overall intention for this Akashic Mentorship Intensive is a profound expansion of consciousness, which extends to and supports all areas of your life and being. Your perspective will be exponentially expanded to more deeply appreciate 1) the unique energy you embody and are meant to expand in this lifetime, and 2) the soul-level gifts and direction that guide the actualization of your purpose.The idea here is an embodied divinity, a practical application of infinite energy, wisdom, and momentum that allow you to tangibly feel the impact of your soul in human form. Hidden aspects of your subconscious mind, energy field, and accustomed ways of operating will be revealed, unlocking fresh pathways of possibility and opportunity. You will feel more clarity, confidence, and rejuvenation after this time together. In addition to energy healing, intuitive guidance, and mentorship, I will connect directly with your soul to clarify the wisdom it desires you to integrate now and going forward. What your soul brings forward will incorporate the current energies of planetary ascension and New Earth templates that the collective is moving toward. This is cutting-edge spiritual technology that is entering our universe at exponential rates.

$1,500.00 USD
I'm Ready For My Deep Dive!

Akashic Records Certification

To master the ins and outs of The Akashic Records (and/or quantum field) so you have a full understanding of how they are meant to work in your life and/or business, a full immersion is the best route. My full immersions are now done on a 1:1 basis because everyone has a different type of connection, channeling style, and purpose in using this space. Customization of this energy is vital to sustainable confidence in intuitive work.

This certification is so much more than a “program.” It’s an investment in the highest version of yourself. It’s an opportunity to connect with and summon your personal power, personally and professionally. It’s inclusion in a movement toward the elevation of consciousness and collaboration with like-minded souls. 

Mastering your relationship with The Akashic Records is a game changer. It amplifies the impact and power of any healing modalities you’re already using and places them on serious steroids. Every client I have worked with who serves others with their spiritual gifts has seen huge shifts in the precision of their channeling.

$2,500.00 USD
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Akashic Immersion Intensive

Deepen your understanding & immersion in The Akashic Records, and learn how you are uniquely meant to use this space for your personal & professional expansion!

Read All The Details & Upcoming Dates Here

Sacred Integration

For coaches, therapists & holistic practitioners that truly desire to be trauma-informed, so you can hold safety & empowerment for yourself and others without burning out!

Read All The Details Here!

In This Program, You Will Achieve: 


NERVOUS SYSTEM REGULATION: Establish safety within your nervous system, and teach your clients & loved ones to do the same, so you can all hold onto your newfound groundedness, clarity, and solidarity.


EMBODIMENT OF GOD WITHIN YOU: Operate your business from a place of service and soul-aligned strategy by fully embodying God's unique vision for/within you. This is a key component to running your business with much greater ease & grace.


TRAUMA-INFORMED CARE CERTIFICATION: You get to scream from the rooftops that you confidently know how to hold anything that arises in the field of those around you, leaving you as the safest container for others to open and grow!

Click here to see my upcoming events!

In-Person Retreats

Fully immerse yourself in the deepest healing immersion possible. When you desire spiritual community, connection, intimacy, and the most potent healing in a short period of time retreats are your jam, baby!

Scroll To See My Upcoming Retreats!

Check Out My Upcoming Retreats Below!

To Be Well Loved Retreat

Just before the peak of the lunar eclipse on 9/18, we will cozy up in this gorgeous home from 9/13-9/17 with a total of 11 badass intuitives and heart-centered humans ready to uplevel their consciousness and deepen intimacy in all areas of their lives. 

Regardless of where you find yourself in intimate relationship, or other relationships in your life, there is always room for deepening surrender, acceptance, and detachment to activate greater sovereignty, freedom, and self-actualization (for everyone involved).

Allow us to guide you into mastery of your role in relationships, your relationship with yourself, and most importantly, your relationship with your soul.

9/13/24 - 9/17/24 in Williamstown, MA

Read All The Details Here!

The Embrace Retreat

Allow us to embrace you as your natural self, guiding you to understanding, loving, and appreciating the depths of who you are, at every layer.

Imagine being in a peaceful location in the countryside, unplugged from electronics, away from the distractions of every day life, allowing you to be fully immersed in your deepest healing experience.

In EMBRACE, Daisy and I will guide you through pathways into the depths of your own soul, allowing you to excavate patterns that no longer serve you (and contribute to toxicity in your life), opening sacred space for limitless possibilities.

5/16/25 - 5/20/25 in Williamstown, MA

Read All The Details Here!

Membership Program

Join my beautiful high-vibe community!

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Current Membership:

Exploring Wholeness

There are some things I don’t want to share publicly but hold deep wisdom and awareness that I really want people to receive (& implement in their own way).

Just raw, unfiltered channeling & insight. And then we chat about it in community, allowing the most intimate shares to come forward in a space that’s totally open-minded, unconditional, and expansive.

The writing & live channeled messages can be used as prompts or springboards for deeply knowing yourself and entering a profound excavation of core truths that have been hidden from conscious awareness.

This is my favorite way to expand my mind and elevate consciousness. In this space, we talk about our own spin on the language that’s been devised for us, the systems, concepts, and beliefs that became ingrained & distracted us from what feels true.

$60 Per Month (3-Month Minimum)

Read More Here!

Digital Courses

I have a number of digital courses at varying price points! Topics include channeling, dissolving the ego, qi gong, Akashic Reiki, and so much more!

View Them Here

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