Ep. 67: The Term Mental Health No Longer Resonates: Part 2 - How to Truly See Yourself

Join me for Part 2 of this series on Mental Health. Mental Health has become more of a cerebral understanding of emotions and “progress.” No matter what you call it, self-acceptance is the goal. We can’t get there by looking at what's “wrong.” Holding compassionate space for all of you is the key, even the things your ego labels as negative. There’s many ways to do this but it starts with a deep understanding your own unique energy. Listen in as I discuss tools and techniques to see yourself exactly as you beautifully are. Once you master this, next steps will seem clearer and more effortless, and you will experience much more ease and joy.


The websites I mentioned to access your Human Design chart are here: jovianarchive.com or mybodygraph.com All you need is your birth date, birth time, and birth location. If you want feedback on your Human Design, schedule a Vibrational Assessment (https://calendly.com/emergehealingandwellness/vibrational-assessment) and I’ll review the basics with you. This session can also be used for feedback and support on next steps in your life. 


If you’re a holistic practitioner of any kind, who has successfully guided others into sustained mental health, please join the 2023 Holistic Mental Health movement by participating in the book & summit Project HERE.


✨To visit Laura's website and view the transcription of this episode click HERE