Meeting 3/6 at 1 pm EST on Zoom (60-75 Minutes)
Come into sacred space and be SEEN. Let your subconscious energy, dreams, desires, and honesty express. Give yourself a space to fully arrive and expand, in your writing or the symbols we are invited to create. That’s what these writing circles are about.
You will receive prompts from The Akashic Records that welcome you into a deeper embodiment of your spirituality, meet yourself wholly in genuine space, and open your heart in a conscious community. You can write, draw, or both!
Being held in others' compassionate presence is palpable and highly underrated. You can feel it when it arrives. It's like a soft anchor, offering infinite opportunity to soar, explore, and surrender to the magnetism of your soul drawing you forward.
This intuitive writing space, and the sequence we will be going through, honors the energy first (as it’s the root of everything), brings us into presence with the mind (so we can acknowledge its vital role in our embodiment), and invites profound receipt of your Higher Power.
The combination of prompts is a true reflection of holistic co-creation. You’re not bypassing the mind, spirit, or energetic state. You’re inviting all aspects forward so you can integrate, and move forward with, clean clarity on where you’re meant to grow and evolve.
What’s cool is that you don’t even need to have conscious understanding or awareness of this clarity. The energy clarifies for you, under the surface. It also calls forward subconscious patterns, releasing old narratives and attachments, so you further open to new energies coming alive through you. And it all seems so organic and easy, like “No big deal. This makes sense.” You just know, even if you don’t know why you know, and you trust that knowing. Because it feels clear.
You are creating so much space! As a result, ahem, these circles truly hone and strengthen your channeling abilities.
Jump in and test it out! This is a great opportunity to practice being seen, openly and honestly, with yourself, others, and Source. You will leave this space with a sequence you can use time and time again for emotional mastery and deep alchemy. The prompts shift some each session, to align with present energy, but they’re always a reliable framework to come back to, to recenter, connect with soul, and discern what is yours and what is not.
Even with the clear steps and direction you’ll gain here, you’ll find your life, perspective, and being shifting naturally—activating change faster than you thought you were ready for. You will feel more convicted in the path you’re choosing to walk and receive, and have expressed through you, by Source.
I’m very grateful for and proud of this community we’ve created in the Intuitive Writing Circle. Receive these vibes, claim what your soul is inviting you to claim, and witness the subconscious interference that desires to fall away.
A replay download will be available!