The most direct line to intimacy with your soul is through The Akashic Records.
This high-vibrational space is a spiritual anchor for the soul, just like the Earth is an anchor for the body, holding us steadily as we navigate higher dimensions of consciousness and energy.
Why is this helpful?
When our consciousness expands, we gain higher perspective. This means we don’t get stuck in the minutiae of every day life, panicking and worrying about next steps, what’s coming, or whether we can “fix” current issues in our lives.
We see our lives from all angles, the purpose in what we have experienced and are currently experiencing, and swiftly recognize the pathways toward peace, freedom, and intimate connection.
The Akashic Records are like a spiritual library in the clouds, housing an infinite number of books for every soul that has sparked into existence.
You can open your record/book through a sacred ritual and access all of the information about your soul, past, present and future.
It's like Google for the soul: You can ask any question you’d like, to learn more about yourself, gain guidance for a particular situation, or get answers for those long unanswered questions.
What’s beautiful is that the Records only give you information you can tolerate and integrate at the time. It’s a very gentle space, full of unconditional love and acceptance. Even the direct, core-changing guidance comes from a place of softness and grace.
Just attuning to this energy is transformative. As you attune, any blocks, conditioning, or areas to be cleared will release and show themselves. Hidden aspects of your subconscious mind, energy field, and accustomed ways of operating will be revealed, unlocking fresh pathways of possibility and opportunity.
With more wisdom flowing to you, your perspective will be expanded to more deeply appreciate 1) the unique energy you embody and are meant to expand in this lifetime, and 2) the soul-level gifts and direction that guide the actualization of your purpose.
The idea here is an embodied divinity, a practical application of infinite energy, wisdom, and momentum that allow you to tangibly feel the impact of your soul in human form.
You will be more open, aware, and receptive of yourself, others, and life experiences. This greatly enhances intimacy and connection with the most soul-aligned relationships and fulfillment. It also allows you to feel deep comfort and peace, even during times of discomfort or dis-ease.
Connecting to The Akashic Records does not just benefit you. It benefits everyone around you, as your energy lightens and longstanding patterns release into compassionate, trusting, and patient presence.
In this special intro course, you will expand your understanding of the Akashic Records and how they uniquely operate for you!
Even if you’ve been accessing the Records for some time, this course will deepen your connection to the Akash and uncover new ways to work within this space.
There’s infinite opportunity to extend this frequency in your field and to learn more about your soul. You can gain a deeper intimacy with Source and whatever layers of the self you wish to explore/desire to come forward.
The Modules Included:
- Intro To The Akashic Records
- Meditation for Beginners
- Removing "Blocks" of Shame/Fear
- Hone Your Intuitive Senses & Squash Imposter Syndrome
- Chakra Attunement
- Anchor Your Akashic Home
- Communicating with The Akashic Records
- Akashic Grounding & Sourcing
- Connecting & Deepening Your Relationship with Guides
- Akashic Channeling
The modules have been hand-selected from various programs of mine to provide the best foundation for working in The Akashic Records.
One of the best things about this program is that you will have it for life! You can absorb this material at your own pace, and return to it whenever you are in need of a tune-up.
You also get access to exclusive discounts for additional coaching and support!
There’s only 3 things required to access The Akashic Records:
Open mind
If you’ve got those, sign up below and dive in!