$600.00 USD


All individual and group sessions, as well as workshops, courses and events, must be paid for in advance. Payments and deposits for all sessions, events, classes, and workshops are final and non-refundable. If you need to cancel or reschedule your appointment, 48 hours notice is expected. If 48 hours notice is not provided, you will not receive a refund or rescheduled date for the service.



All Clients MUST be 18 Years of Age or older.

Any advice provided or opinions that are presented are not meant to replace any psychological, legal, medical or other professional advice or services. Laura Mazzotta shall not be held liable for any action or inaction taken by the client in reference to the information presented in person, by video or phone during an event, workshop or session. The guidance and insights provided by Laura Mazzotta are intended to assist clients in making better life choices. However, clients are always free to do as they wish and have the power of free will, regardless of the interpretation of the information. If expert advice or counseling is needed, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Akashic Record or Intuitive Readings should not be used in "lieu" of professional medical treatment but rather in cooperation with all conventional and professional services available to you to maximize your healing process. There are never any guarantees for any particular outcome for any particular session, event, class or workshop. Laura Mazzotta does not assume any responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretations of the subject matter herein and will not be liable for any direct, indirect, consequential, special, exemplary or other damages arising therefrom. You agree to indemnify Laura Mazzotta and her affiliates, members, managers, directors, officers, employees, agents, attorneys, contractors, and licensors against all claims, actions, suits, or other proceedings arising out of or incurred in connection with your use of the website.

I am in service of Spirit, first and foremost. However Spirit chooses to guide me or the client is in the Highest Good of all involved at that moment in time. The intention of these services is to assist people with accessing unconditional love and healing. Entering sessions with an open mind and heart, to receiving whatever Spirit brings through as an offering, will yield the most productive results. The highest reward will come when implementing Spirit’s suggestions, trusting the direction provided during sessions.



All information about you, including demographic information, that may identify you and relates to your past, present, or future physical or mental health/condition will be held confidential. However, I may recommend professional care if there is concern regarding your level of functioning. In case of an emergency, please call 911 or go to your local emergency room. If my schedule is heavily booked, I may not be able to return messages for up to 3 business days. Please be advised that the use of email, messaging and/or texting may pose a risk to confidentiality due to the potential for information exchange on the internet. If I receive an email, message or text that I do not feel comfortable replying to without threatening your confidentiality, I will respond via phone.

Akashic Immersion (3 Session Package)

Step into Mastery!


What you'll get:


  •  Deep dive into an area you’d like to sustainably clear or move into.


  •  Gain greater self-understanding & intuitive expansion, to secure profound intimacy with yourself, your higher self, and your loved ones.


  •  You can also use this package for your customized Akashic Records Immersion (to deepen your intuitive practice, learn how this energy works through you, and clarify messages coming through)! If you desire certification in The Akashic Records, message Laura at [email protected] for more information. Certification requires additional sessions.


These sessions are intuitively guided, meaning messages come forward from universal energy, which includes but is not limited to The Akashic Records, Reiki, Mother Earth, Ascended Masters, Angels, Guides, Loved Ones, and occasionally star systems.


All of this energy is the same: It's simply accessed and utilized differently depending on the practitioner. My particular intuitive skills allow me to rapidly and directly access the core of whatever is currently presenting in your life.


The universe holds all the information from our souls: past, present, and future. You will receive messages about what's perfectly aligned for your transformation at this moment. 


Several modalities will be used in the sessions as I am called/directed by your guides (e.g., EFT/Tapping, Inner child healing, ancestral or past life work, mindset/perspective shifts, subconscious reprogramming, astral travel, and more). These sessions are conducted over Zoom for 30 minutes each. Replays will be provided within 48 hours after each meeting.



The overall intention for this package is a higher level of self-acceptance and appreciation. There is nothing wrong with you or wherever you are on your journey. You are absolutely magnificent just as you are. I assist you with seeing that at the same time you pursue more ease, freedom, and joy in your life.


You can choose one specific area  (e.g., relationships, career, past trauma, intuitive expansion, cyclical patterns or emotions, etc) to deeply explore and gain mastery, or choose a different intention for each session. I will always recommend using this package for deeper exploration.


Please note that 3-Session Packages are for one-time booking only. For continuous care, please book a Connection Call to create a customized plan. 


It's best if you can find a quiet space to conduct sessions, without distraction, so you can devote your full attention to what is coming through. Headphones are advised but not required, depending on your environment.  


IMPORTANT: Please be sure to read the terms and conditions in its entirety before completing your purchase. Thank you!